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Wij zijn verhuisd naar de Kempenarestraat 55. In 2013 vierde LC Packaging haar 90-jarig bestaan. Trots op onze SA 8000 gecertificeerde productielocatie. Wij hebben altijd genoeg op voorraad. Onze medewerkers zijn toegewijd, loyaal en betrouwbaar. Utraschoon snijden, een vak apart. Onze netverpakkingen komt u overal tegen.
Our own manufacturing facilities worldwide. Proud of our SA 8000 certified production location. We always have plenty in stock. Our employees are dedicated, reliable and loyal. Ultrasonic cutting, a unique profession. You can find our mesh packaging everywhere. In 2013, LC Packaging celebrated its 90th anniversary.
In 2013, LC Packaging celebrated its 90th anniversary. There is always a box-erecting station near you. LC Packaging Africa supplies FIBCs for mining. Our own manufacturing facilities worldwide. Proud of our SA 8000 certified production location. We always have plenty in stock.
Wir sind stolz auf unsere SA 8000-zertifizierte Produktionsstätte. Wir haben immer genug Ihrer gewünschten Produkte auf Vorrat. Unsere Mitarbeiter sind engagiert, loyal und zuverlässig. Ultraschallschneiden, ein Bereich für sich. Unseren Netzverpackungen begegnen Sie überall. 2013 feierte LC Packaging sein 90-jähriges Bestehen.
Big bags à 1 ou 2 points. Big bags à 4 sangles. Systèmes de chargement et déchargement. Nos propres sites de production dans le monde entier. Fiers de notre site de production certifié SA 8000. Nous avons toujours un stock suffisant. Nos collaborateurs sont dévoués, loyaux et fiables. La découpe par ultrasons, un métier à part.
Dreher, raschel és monofil zsákok. Kézzel hajtogatott vagy géppel ragasztott kartonok. 2013-ban az LC Packaging 90. Az ország több pontján hullámkarton-ragasztó állomások kerültek kihelyezésre. Büszkék vagyunk SA 8000 minősítéssel rendelkező gyárunkra. Elkötelezett, megbízható és hűséges alkalmazottak.
Our own manufacturing facilities worldwide. Proud of our SA 8000 certified production location. We always have plenty in stock. Our employees are dedicated, reliable and loyal. Ultrasonic cutting, a unique profession. You can find our mesh packaging everywhere. In 2013, LC Packaging celebrated its 90th anniversary.
Saci big bag cu ridicare în 1-2 puncte. Saci big bag pentru substanțe lichide. Avem întotdeauna produse în stoc. Angajații noștri sunt motivați, de încredere și loiali. Tăierea cu ultrasunete - o profesie unică. Puteți găsi peste tot ambalajele noastre din plasă. În 2013, LC Packaging și-a sărbătorit cea de-a 90-a aniversare.
Saci big bag cu ridicare în 1-2 puncte. Saci big bag pentru substanțe lichide. Avem întotdeauna produse în stoc. Angajații noștri sunt motivați, de încredere și loiali. Tăierea cu ultrasunete - o profesie unică. Puteți găsi peste tot ambalajele noastre din plasă. În 2013, LC Packaging și-a sărbătorit cea de-a 90-a aniversare.
Our own manufacturing facilities worldwide. Proud of our SA 8000 certified production location. We always have plenty in stock. Our employees are dedicated, reliable and loyal. Ultrasonic cutting, a unique profession. You can find our mesh packaging everywhere. In 2013, LC Packaging celebrated its 90th anniversary.
Ahornallee 20, 33106 Paderborn. 05251 - 137 11 66. 05251 - 137 11 68. Öffnungszeiten der Geschäftsstelle in den Osterferien. In den Osterferien ist die LC Geschäftsstelle nur am Vormittag geöffnet. Wir bitten um Verständnis! Gelungener Saisonabschluss für LC Nachwuchs. Glanzvoller Saisonabschluss für LC Senioren. Am ersten März Wochenende starteten in Erfurt die Deutschen Meiste.